pp108 : Validating a Business Process Model

Validating a Business Process Model

This topic describes the procedure to validate a business process model.

A business process should be validated, published to run time, and tested before it is deployed.

A general criterion for a well-designed business model is that it should not throw any warnings or error messages when validated. In case of a business process model it should generate an executable BPML. Warnings that are generated during validation are classified as Error, Warning and Info.

  1. Select a starting point and select (Business Process Model) to open an existing business process model.
  2. Right-click in the business process modeling environment and select Business Process Execution > Validate and generate BPML. Alternatively, go to Workspace Documents > <Solution> > <Project> , right-click the business process model and select Business Process Execution > Validate and generate BPML. The Build progress window appears and when the build is over, if there are any warnings or errors, then the warnings window appears automatically. If there are warnings, resolve them and re-validate the business process model.
  3. Click Show Warnings or F6 to view warnings after validating the business process model.
  4. Click a warning to identify the location where the error has occured and rectify it suitably. Resolve the errors and re-validate the business process model.

The business process model is validated.

Related concepts

Contract First Development

Related tasks

Creating a Business Process Model
Designing a Business Process Model
Attaching Web Services to a Business Process Model
Setting the Properties of a Business Process Model

Related reference

Using Business Identifiers
Business Process Management Service Properties Interface
Business Process Model Properties Interface

Related information

Configuring BPMN Constructs
Using Message Maps
Modeling Business Processes
Instantiating a Business Process Model